Best of British Wedding Photography 2017 Submissions

Our Best of British Wedding Photography 2017 Submissions will be profiled on the homepage of this website, rotated fairly with the other submissions in a grid of 9 posts for the duration of 2018.

All of the Best of British Wedding Photography 2017 posts will be available here, year after year!

The Best of British Wedding Photography 2016 posts are be available here!

The Best of British Wedding Photography 2015 posts are be available here!

If you would like to submit more weddings in the future please explore the benefits of becoming a member.

Submit Your Best of 2017

  • Contact Info

  • Your Submission

  • When writing the copy, please make sure it's unique! There is no point offering copy already published on your own website.

    -Dropbox folder link
    -Google Drive folder link

    We welcome a number of different methods for sending images, but if sharing through Dropbox, please send a direct link to the Dropbox folder in lieu of a Dropbox folder invitation. A direct link saves us both time and space, and will ensure a quicker response.
  • Image Requirements

    Please provide as many images as you want!
    JPEG images in landscape @ 1050 pixels wide and 700 pixels height @ 72dpi optimised for the web.
    If you are going to include portrait images then, 1050 pixels wide and 1,575 pixels in height.
    If you already have images in portrait or landscape at larger sizes that's fine, no need to resize, just use them! 🙂
  • All wedding photographers who are featured on this website will become WordPress Contributors on the website. You will have a bio box at the bottom of all your post and a personal WordPress Author page. Just look at a post to see what we mean here.

    So, we need a couple of sentences that define who you are and your social profile links. Remember to use your location focus in the copy.

    Social links we can display:

    Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.